Minimize CAM errors using accurate molding techniques

Reduce preparation and machining times by using WORKNC’s multi-thread processing capabilities. With faster calculation systems, longer tool life, and improved surface finishing and accuracy, you’ll have the capacity to utilize your machines to their full potential.

The key benefits of using WORKNC include:

Benefits And Features

The perfect software for high-precision mold and die machining

3+2 axis roughing

Implement roughing and re-roughing toolpaths in WORKNC to remove large volumes of stock in a single pass. WORKNC’s dynamic stock management also gives you the sensitivity to work with small diameter tools.

Expert finishing

WORKNC’s multiple finishing and re-machining strategies allow you to quickly tailor machining operations to suit your individual requirements. WORKNC delivers extremely short programming times and significantly improved productivity.

Automatic toolpath conversion

WORKNC gives engineers the ability to automatically turn 3 and 3+2-axis machining toolpaths into full 5-axis simultaneous toolpaths, thanks to its WORKNC Auto5 software.

Training and Resources


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