© 2025 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries
Benefits And Features
Integrate world-leading efficiency into your production process
Interactive HTML reports
The new HTML format is an all-in-one solution that supports interactive elements, like part or result 3D views, and is easily accessible with any Chromium-based browser like Edge or Chrome.
Linear sizes
Simplify standard conform measurements with direct support for modifier symbols ([LP], (E), [GG]), empowering easy evaluations for many size features.
Improvements for Erode/dilate ROI sphere mode
You can now specify the sphere radius in length units, even on anisotropic data sets, resulting in significantly faster computation speeds.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I setup the inspection job?
The inspection routine is prepared in VGSTUDIO MAX. Once the inspection routine is setup it can easily be transferred to VGinLINE as a so-called job. VGinLINE will then perform that inspection routine on every incoming data.
What is the difference between a job and a macro?
A job consists of several macros and is a self-contained file that includes all the necessary information to perform the task automatically. Transferring the job to VGinLINE is therefore easily done.
Is VGinLINE scalable in terms of performance?
Depending on the cycle time requirements, VGinLINE can easily be scaled by adding new VGinLINE WORKERS/workstations to the system to enhance analysis performance.
What is the core component to setup a VGinLINE system?
Core component of a VGinLINE system consists of VGinLINE CONTROLLER and VGinLINE WORKER. The VGinLINE CONTROLLER enables you to import the inspection job and to specify the handling of data, e.g., the input directory (data that needs to be analyzed) and output directory (destination of analyzed projects and/or reports). The VGinLINE WORKER is installed on a workstation and performs the analysis calculation.
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Automatically inspect your parts in a non-destructive environment
Simple and quick to set up, VGinLINE is adapted to work with almost every CT system on the market, granting you unparalleled flexibility in how you approach component analysis. VGinLINE’s adaptability and intuitive reconfigurability allow you to adjust for small changes in product design with minimal effort and reduced costs.
The key benefits of using VGinLINE include: