Results you can rely on
Avoid misinterpretation of process data by ensuring measurement values obtained reflect the actual situation.
The benefits of using Q-DAS solara.MP include:
Benefits And Features
Measurement system analysis
Measurement system capability as per MSA
solara.MP conducts required capability analyses to establish measurement system capability according to industry standards.
Accessible reporting
Informative graphics, key performance indicators, and reports provide an accurate, efficient, and easily interpretable analysis of measurement systems.
Inspection process suitability as per VDA 5 ed 3
VDA Volume 5 evaluates measurement processes based on measurement uncertainty. The calculation of measurement uncertainty is based on a pragmatic approach that calculates the expanded measurement uncertainty.
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Frequently Asked Questions
According to what principles can the evaluations in solara.MP be taken?
MSA 2nd, 3rd.and 4th Edition, VDA5 till 3rd Edition, and the GUM.
Does Q-DAS provide various kits for numerical validation?
Validation kits are currently available for ISO/TR 11462-3: 2020(E) as well as for the MSA 4th Edition.
My solara.MP does not provide a special type of analysis, how can the system be changed?
Even when the software provides a wide range of different types (for example, type 1, type 2, linearity…), a strategy allows them to be calculated. This is why with every different strategy, the amount of possible “types of calculation” can change.
Are there some standards for the calculation integrated in the Q-DAS Product Line?
In the solara.MP software, a variety of predefined evaluation strategies are available, which have been provided by leading OEMs and integrated into the software. Thus, the solara.MP software provides a tool for reproducible evaluations according to customer requirements, which can be carried out according to the rules of the OEMs. In addition, own standards can be created at any time.
How can stability data be used in solara.MP?
In a similar way to qs-STAT, solara.MP is working together with the data collection tools to analyze stability cards in solara.MP, and alarm the users in the data-collection tools like procella, if those stability rules are violated. The documentation can be found here.