Efficiently enrich material data sets
Enrich material data in just a few clicks, saving time and costs. Its visual interface makes the process quick, efficient, and easy to use.
Benefits And Features
Combine digital tests with physics-informed AI and pure AI in this advanced technology platform
Enrich Material Data
Fill in the gaps, complete, and extend all combinations of a matrix of materials data with digital tests, physics-informed AI, and pure AI.
Save Time & Costs
Assess the time and costs saved with digital data enrichment relative to the same campaign executed with traditional physical tests.
Cloud Computing
Leverage cloud-based computing resources that empower fast and high-fidelity enrichment of your material data.
Training and Resources
Connect and collaborate with your peers and experts
Nexus Community provides you with excellent peer forums and the opportunity to learn from thousands of others in your industry. Currently, there are 25 products active and 80+ peer forums waiting for you to dive into. Discover best practices, and get answers you need to succeed. Once you register for Nexus, you can access the community forums.
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Dive into our documentation to explore the full potential of product offerings
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Downloads are only available on the desktop version. Please access our site from a desktop to download.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which material systems are supported in Nexus Materials Enrich?
The current revision of Nexus Materials Enrich can be used only with short fiber-reinforced plastic.
How can I upload data inside Nexus Material Enrich?
Data must be first uploaded in Nexus Materials Connect. During the definition of your project in Nexus Material Enrich, you will connect to Nexus Materials Connect to select the data you would like to enrich.
How do I export the results of Nexus Material Enrich?
The results are published in Nexus Material Connect at the end of the enrichment process. From Nexus Material Connect, you can export the results in an Excel sheet.