Connected Worker Operations

Connected Worker Operations

Connected Worker Operations gives you a comprehensive set of digital workflows to optimize processes, increase availability and boost productivity.


Seamlessly adapts to your varying operational demands, ensuring flexibility and growth-readiness.

Drives your digital transformation by replacing inefficient paper-based downtime codes with a streamlined process that offers comprehensive insights and visualizations.

Provides real-time, actionable insights from production data for informed decision-making.

Elevate your operational performance

Drive excellence on the shop floor with Connected Worker Operations! Our solution uses downtime tagging for rapid issue resolution and substantially improves OEE. It optimizes shop floor operations with augmented-reality-based monitoring for maximum efficiency. Enhances precision and manages risk via mobile daily reporting that captures vital data. Drives shop floor excellence with execution and traceability features for planning, quality and more using dynamic OEE dashboards. It even eases digital transition through paperless travelers, ensuring seamless change implementation and foresight.

Scalable for your operational needs


Downtime Tagging

Enables you to swiftly capture, analyze and address downtime events, enhancing OEE. Helps you transition away from inefficient paper-based downtime codes. Captures a comprehensive view of your machines' status and the reasons behind it. Streamlines processes and eliminates time-consuming data entry.


Daily Report

Digitally captures and records all pertinent data generated on a production line or within a plant daily. Ensures comprehensive and accurate reporting of production logs, impact assessments, change orders, safety incidents and other vital information.


Machine Connectivity

Establishes seamless communication with machine PLCs, enabling the retrieval of real-time data pertaining to machine performance and reasons for downtime. Enhances report accuracy by promptly integrating the data transmitted by PLCs, ensuring up-to-the-minute updates.


Execution and Traceability

Employs a blend of applications and reports to illuminate real-time production data, optimizing velocity, planning and quality. Provides actionable insights to facilitate course correction. Monitors digital processes in real time and ascertains whether production is succeeding or encountering challenges at any moment.


Paperless Travelers

Serve as digital guides for products as they progress along the value stream. Digitized travelers offer flexible access to manufacturing information needed for producing goods and services that meet specified requirements. Guarantee accountability, traceability and operational excellence, culminating in a fail-safe process.


OEE Dashboards

Bring machine data, human content and other relevant data from the shop floor to life through remote, real-time visualization of OEE. Allow plant floor managers to view productivity KPIs and OEE at any time, from anywhere.


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