Pioneer online simulation in the virtual laboratory
The I++ Simulator can be used to simulate existing measurement programs, as well as creating new ones using teach-in or offline methods such as CAD, all without machine downtime.
The benefits of using I ++ Simulator include:
Benefits And Features
Clever simulation of the complete measuring process
Use of the I++ DME standards
The I++ Simulator is based on the independent I++ DME interface and is extremely practical. It can be used with every I++ conform metrology software.
Effective application
This software package simulates existing measurement programs while creating new ones, using teach-in or offline methods such as CAD.
Selectable views
Push boundaries with selectable views during the measurement process, using specific cameras attached to individual components for ultimate precision.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the system requirements for the I++Simulator?
The system requirements for the I++Simulator are listed in the release notes of the respective version (s. chapter 2.2, Release Notes I++Simulator Version 2022.1.) and our quick guide.
How do I install the I++Simulator and how do I create my first scenario?
With the document 'I++Simulator - Getting started'. You get a quick tutorial on how to install and build your 1st scenario for your offline programming. The document 'I++Simulator Installation Guide' gives detailed instructions for all installation variants and contains additional FAQs.
Can I use a wireless gamepad for the I++Simulator?
It is possible to use a wireless gamepad. However, it should be noted that experience has shown that when the batteries are low, the gamepad no longer works as expected. Therefore, we recommend using a gamepad with a USB power supply. For example, we recommend the gamepad 'Logitech F310 Gamepad, USB'.
Is it possible to comfortably transfer existing components of a given scenario to another virtual machine?
You can export the individual components or several components such as sensor configurations to exchange files, which you can then exchange with other scenarios. The coordinate system reference of the elements is retained. All components that have been integrated into a scenario - except for the measuring device - can be exported, incl. their properties ( e.g., transformation, transparency). When importing, exporting and merging, the I++Simulator checks the validity of the combination.
We use special components for our stylus configurations? Are these supported by the I++Simulator?
The I++Simulator has a comprehensive library of components from various manufacturers. If your component is not listed, or if it is a custom design, you can easily build the required component using the I++Simulator's built-in designer (such as multiple probe holders, joints, and more, up to tool changer racks and rotary tables). It is also possible to define them based on given CAD data. Detailed instructions can be found in the manual of the I++Simulator, which you can call from the menu item 'Help'.
Which CAD format can be used by the I++Simulator for importing components?
You can import CAD files in IGP, STL, 3DS, WRL/X3D formats directly into I++Simulator for parts or components. The conversion into the specific IGP format is done internally automatically by the I++Simulator. If you work with QUINDOS, you can generate the IGP format directly from the loaded 3D-CAD model (IGES, STEP (STEP AP 203, AP 214) or native CAD format) with the command CadConvertIgp. Detailed information about the command can be found in the integrated QUINDOS help.