Complex additive manufacturing processes, made simple
Through its unique functionality and ease of use, AM STUDIO enables you to substantially reduce the “time-to-print" for each application.
Benefits And Features
Optimize the additive manufacturing process with AM-Studio
Optimal part orientation
Based on intelligent algorithms, so-called ‘OrientationMaps’ support 3D nesting during data preparation. The arrangement of parts is shown in color-coded zones, whereby the optimal position and orientation of parts are both highlighted.
Advanced support geometries
Alongside standard support geometries, AM STUDIO also offers sophisticated, special support structures. Utilizing artificial intelligence, the user can generate savings on both construction time and cost by drastically reducing the time to print.
High-performing slicing and hatching
The embedded, high-performance algorithms allow the user to generate and process slicing data at speed, all while requiring low memory consumption.
Training and Resources
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Dive into our documentation to explore the full potential of product offerings
Your ultimate resource for practical guidance and support. Here, you’ll find a wealth of step-by-step how-to guides, detailed tutorials, and handy tips and tricks. Whether you’re troubleshooting an issue or looking for ways to optimize your use of our products, our Documentation Center provides clear and concise information to help you get the most out of your experience.
Downloads are only available on the desktop version. Please access our site from a desktop to download.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the training take?
The training takes 1.5 days.
How many modules do you offer?
An optional CAD interface module to the base product can also be integrated.
Which file format is needed?
The base product requires STL. The optional CAD interface is compatible with all neutral and native CAD file formats.
What kind of license models do you offer?
We offer both a perpetual license and optional maintenance contract, plus a yearly subscription model including maintenance.
Does AM STUDIO interface to the printer directly?
Yes, AM STUDIO is fully compatible with all major mPBF machine OEMs.
Is FE pre-deformation simulation included in AM STUDIO?
Yes, this is a standard feature in AM STUDIO, utilizing Simufact technology.
Why does loading of parts take longer?
We would recommend verifying the settings to see whether auto check, auto heal or activate collision modules are activated. These functions require more loading time.
What is the output path used for?
In the output path, all slice/hatch results are recorded in a subfolder which has the same name as your project. If you do not assign a name, the results will be stored in the ‘Unsaved Project’ directory.
I'm not able to load native data - what can I do?
Please ensure that you have acquired the CAD Interface module and verify whether your CAD interface has been ticked.
Why can't I move my part anymore?
Please check if you are currently at the Support Stage (Stage 3). At this step, part manipulation is deactivated.
Why is my support structure suddenly gone?
This may be because you have applied a rotation to the part that does not allow automatic regeneration of the support. In this case, the support structure will be deleted as the support region has changed too much. Please generate the support on this new region manually.