This is a two-day training course, introducing DESIGNER's Sheet Metal that allows quick creation and modification of parts to prepare them for manufacture.
This instructor led course details the best practice use of the features and functions backed by relative industry worked examples.
• Viewing controls and customizing the desktop and ribbon.
• Use of 3D workspace.
• 3D Direct Sheetmetal modelling.
• Create part from wireframe /add flanges, adding bends.
• Adding Wedge and other types of corner relief.
• Producing a sheet metal unfolded development.
• Setting the part properties.
• Splitting faces and edges.
• Import 3rd Party data and repairing.
• Creating 2D drawings from 3D models.
• Working with Nexus for materials and bend allowances.
Classroom Training Classes are usually held at a Hexagon office of your choice and includes digital documentation, light lunch and refreshments but does not include overnight accommodation.
Online Training Classes are held online in our virtual classroom and includes digital documentation.
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information
You can also contact your regional training coordinator to schedule this training: or call +44 (0) 1189 226666.